70 Journaling Prompts for Self-Love

February 3, 2023

Journaling is a great way to practice self-love. Carving out time in your day to write can be a therapeutic, meditative process that helps you explore and reflect on your thoughts and emotions. Journaling prompts help you focus your thoughts, discover new perspectives, and uncover new possibilities. 

Engaging with self-love journaling prompts can help you identify and understand your fears and worries, express gratitude for all you have, and create meaningful connections with yourself and the world around you.

No matter where you are in your self-love journey, these 70 journaling prompts for self-love will help you dig deeper into who you are and appreciate the unique beauty and light you bring to the world.

70 journaling prompts for self-love image

Journaling prompts for self-love

  1. What do I love about myself? 
  2. What are three things that make me unique?
  3. What have I accomplished in the last week that I am proud of?
  4. What are 5 positive things I can say about myself?
  5. What do I like most about my appearance?
  6. When do I feel most beautiful?
  7. What are some things I can do to make my self-care a priority?
  8. What are three things I can do today to show myself love and compassion?
  9. What can I do today to make me feel relaxed and happy?
  10. What are 3 things I can do to create a safe and loving environment for myself?
  11. What is something I can do to show myself respect?
  12. What are 5 things I can do to boost my self-confidence?
  13. What is something I can do to take care of my physical and mental health today?
  14. How can I make sure my needs are met?
  15. What are some things I can do to reduce stress and worry?
  16. How can I show myself kindness today?
  17. What can I do to make myself feel safe and secure?
  18. What do I need to do to prioritize my own well-being?
  19. How can I be more gentle and understanding with myself?
  20. How can I be more patient with myself and my goals?
  21. What can I do to make my thoughts more positive and encouraging?
  22. How can I stop comparing myself to others?
  23. What are three positive affirmations I can say to myself today?
  24. How can I be more accepting of my own flaws?
  25. What is something I can do to make myself feel pampered?
  26. How can I make sure I am taking enough time for myself?
  27. What do I do well?
  28. What makes me happy?
  29. What do I need help with, and who can I ask for help?
  30. What are some of my favorite memories?
  31. Write 5 things I am grateful for? 
  32. What have I overcome?
  33. What are my strengths?
  34. What have I learned about myself recently?
  35. How can I live more authentically?
  36. What can I do to bring more joy into my life?
  37. What does my “dream life” look like?
  38. What do I need to say “no” to? 
  39. What are the five values that are most important to me?
  40. What do I need more of in my life?
  41. What do I need less of in my life?
  42. What do I want to be remembered for?
  43. What do I need to accept about myself?
  44. What do I need to accept about my current situation?
  45. How have I grown in the past year?
  46. What are three good habits I’d like to cultivate?
  47. What can I do to ensure I’m living a life that’s true to me?
  48. What does happiness mean to me?
  49. What do I love about my life?
  50. How do I feel about my body?
  51. What do I love about my body?
  52. What do I love about my mind?
  53. What does my body do for me every day that I am thankful for?
  54. What do I struggle to love most about myself? What can I do to begin to love that part of myself?
  55. What limiting beliefs do I have about myself?
  56. What am I holding onto that I need to forgive myself for?
  57. List 3 ways you can move forward from your past mistakes.
  58. What can I thank myself for?
  59. Write a love letter to yourself explaining why you’re worthy of love.
  60. What makes me feel alive?
  61. What boundaries do I need to set for myself?
  62. I am worthy of happiness because…
  63. Name an action you can take right now that your future self will thank you for.
  64. What are my dreams?
  65. What 3 ways can I start taking actionable steps toward my goals?
  66. What do I need to start saying “yes” to?
  67. What labels do I assign to myself? Are these valid?
  68. What makes me feel loved?
  69. What current habits are destructive to my sense of self-love?
  70. How am I truly feeling right now? How can I love myself in this moment?

Want a copy of these journaling prompts for self-love to use in your daily routine?

You can print these prompts out or save them to your preferred device for future reference. Get access to the free PDF below.

Final thoughts

Practicing self-love is essential for leading a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life. It means taking the time to appreciate, nurture, and care for yourself as a valuable individual. I hope these journaling prompts for self-love will help you on your self-discovery and personal growth journey. 

I love, honor, and appreciate you.

Thanks for reading!

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About Author

Valene Lindsay

As the founder of the Unfolding Rose and certified life purpose coach, I am passionate about helping women reconnect to their higher self, discover their purpose & create a life they truly desire.
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